Institutional Review Board

EPCC's Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of the College.

The IRB reviews research that involves a vulnerable category of subjects, such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, or handicapped or mentally disabled persons, and gives consideration to the inclusion of one or more individuals who are knowledgeable about and experienced in working with these subjects.

EPCC's IRB has at least five members with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted by the institution. The IRB is sufficiently qualified through the experience and expertise of its members to promote respect for its advice and counsel in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects. In addition to possessing the professional competence necessary to review specific research activities, the IRB ascertains the acceptability of proposed research in terms of institutional commitments and regulations, applicable law, and standards of professional conduct and practice.

Every nondiscriminatory effort will be made to ensure diversity in EPCC’s IRB membership (e.g., representation of different professions, scientific and nonscientific members, members not affiliated with EPCC). See 45 CFR 46.107, 21 CFR 56.107

EPCC's IRB may, at its discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues which require expertise beyond or in addition to that available on the IRB. These individuals may not vote with the IRB.

Further Information