Parking on Campus
Enrolled students, faculty, staff, and employees of vendors (non-EPCC employees), whether full-time or part-time, working at EPCC-owned facilities who operate and park a vehicle on any College-owned or leased property must register and properly always display a valid parking decal on their vehicle.
How to obtain your parking decal:
Parking decals can be purchased in-person at any campus cashier or online through
EPCC's Storefront or
EPCC’s Online Payment system provided by TouchNet.
- Pay through EPCC’s Storefront to receive your parking decal by mail.
- Pay through online payment link to pick up your parking decal in person at any Vehicle Registration Office.
Requirements to pick up your parking decal:
- Provide a photo ID
- Proof of payment (receipt)
- Provide vehicle information: Vehicle license plate number, make, model, color, and year. The vehicle Identification number (VIN) may be provided if the vehicle does not have a permanent license plate number.
The college welcomes all visitors and prospective students. Visitor parking is available at all college campuses and a parking permit is not required.
Visitors may request a temporary parking permit if they visit the campus regularly, to allow them to park in any general parking area (student parking).
Guests of the College
Faculty, staff, students, college departments, or organizations who plan to invite a guest (or guests) may request a complimentary parking permit (or permits) for their guest (s). Permits should be requested with 48 hours’ notice prior to the date of the visit, activity, or function.
College vendors/contractors who are not working on campus and only come occasionally to EPCC, volunteers who are not classified as EPCC employees, and representatives of other colleges or universities may request a complimentary parking permit.
For special events of more than 20 guests, arrangements may be made by the host through Vehicle Registration.
Parking Decals
The parking decal must be permanently affixed on the inside of the windshield, six inches above the dashboard on the passenger side. Motorcycles will be issued bumper-type parking decals and must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle, close to the license plate, where the decal can be easily visible.
The parking decal holder is responsible for any citations issued to the vehicle in which the parking decal is displayed.
It is the responsibility of each individual to update any change to their vehicle’s information at the Vehicle Registration Office.
The parking decal is not transferable.
Parking Decal Type
Decal Type | Valid Period |
Academic Year | September 1 to August 31 |
Fall Semester | September 1 to December 31 |
Spring Semester | January 1 to May 31 |
Summer Semester | June 1 to August 31 |
Parking Decal Fees
Students, Faculty, and Staff have the option to purchase the decal by academic year or by semester. Additional decals can be purchased, and the fee remains the same.
The parking decal fee is not refundable.
Decal Type | Valid Period |
Academic Year | $60.00 |
Fall Semester | $40.00 |
Spring Semester | $40.00 |
Summer Semester | $40.00 |
Faculty & Staff
Decal Type | Valid Period |
Academic Year | $70.00 |
Fall Semester | $50.00 |
Spring Semester | $50.00 |
Summer Semester | $50.00 |
Lost or Stolen Decal
Lost or stolen parking decals should be reported immediately to Vehicle Registration. A replacement may be purchased at the same fee.
Replacement Decals
Replacement of a parking decal may be obtained at no cost by returning the parking decal to Vehicle Registration. The information of the new vehicle needs to be provided. If the vehicle has no permanent license plates, the vehicle identification number (VIN) must be provided.
The replacement of the parking decal will be processed only one (1) time.
Fee Exemptions
Continuing Education (C.E.) and Workforce students enrolled for 60 hours/6.0 CEUs or less per semester qualify to obtain a temporary permit at no charge for the duration of the class.
Students, faculty, and staff who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Purple Heart recipients, and disabled Texas veterans may obtain one (1) parking decal at no charge.
EPCC Retirees may obtain two (2) parking decals at no cost.
Temporary Parking Permits
Students and employees are required to register and obtain a temporary parking permit for any substitute, loaner, or rental vehicle they bring onto campus. Refer to College Procedure CHC-1 Vehicle Registration.
Temporary parking permits may be requested in person at any Vehicle Registration Office or by email by filling out the
Student/Employee Temporary Parking Permit Request Form and
Parking Areas
- General parking areas are for students and the general public.
- Faculty and Staff Parking areas are designated by clearly posted signs.
- Disabled Parking has posted signs. A State-issued current placard or license plate must be displayed visibly by the person to whom the State-issued parking privilege was granted when parking on any disabled parking. Students, faculty, and staff are required to display a current EPCC parking decal in addition to the disabled placard or license plate.
As of January 1, 2022, anyone parking in a disabled parking space must have a disabled person license plate or a disabled parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA). Currently, disabled veteran license plates do not feature the ISA. - Service, Police, Loading/Unloading, College Vehicles, and Other Designated Parking are clearly marked, and a special permit or authorization is required.
The recipient of a parking or traffic citation has ten (10) business days from the issuance date to protest the citation and request an appeal. Failure to file within the prescribed ten business days shall constitute a waiver of the right to appeal the citation.
Any vehicle identified as having five (5) outstanding citations will be subject to immobilization.
Vehicles immobilized for outstanding citations will be assessed a fee for releasing the vehicle immobilizer.
Citation payment can be made at any Campus Cashier’s Office.
Appeal a Citation
The recipient of a parking or traffic citation has ten (10) business days from the issuance date to protest the citation and request an appeal. Failure to file within the prescribed ten business days shall constitute a waiver of the right to appeal the citation.
Failure to resolve citations can result in suspension or revocation of all campus parking privileges.
Appeal Process
Individuals requesting an appeal must complete the
Citation Appeal Form and submit it in person to any Vehicle Registration Office. Please refer to College Procedure CHC-6,
Parking and Traffic Citation Appeals Committee and Parking and Traffic Citation Appeal Process.
Parking Violations & Fines
Parking rules and regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Boot Removal | $25 | Displaying A Current And Expired Permit | $20 | Displaying A Parking Permit On Unregistered Vehicle | $25 | Displaying An Expired Parking Permit | $50 | Displaying An Expired Temporary Parking Permit | $20 | Displaying Expired License Plate | $20 | Driving In The Wrong Direction Of Arrow | $25 | Driving On Sidewalk | $25 | Driving One Way | $25 | Failed To Stop At Stop Signs | $35 | Failed To Use Due Care In Pedestrian Zone | $25 | Failed To Yield At Intersection | $25 | Failure To Yield Right-Of-Way | $25 | Fraudulent Use Of Parking Permit | $25 | Illegal Turn | $25 | Improperly Displaying Parking Permit | $20 | Leaving Child Unattended In Vehicle | $25 | Littering | $25 | Minor Violations | $10 | Moving Violations/Other | $25 | No Parking Permit | $50 | Operate Motorcycle Without Headgear If Under 21 Years Of Age | $25 | Parking Illegally (Not A Parking Space) | $20 | Parking Improperly In Two Or More Spaces | $20 | Parking In A College Vehicles Space | $25 | Parking In A Faculty And Staff Lot | $30 | Parking In A Loading Zone | $25 | Parking In A Visitor Parking | $20 | Parking In Handicapped Space | $193 | Parking In Red Zone | $25 | Parking In Yellow Or Striped Zone | $20 | Parking On A Crosswalk | $25 | Parking On Sidewalk, Crosswalk, Or Driveways | $20 | Parking Within 15 Feet Of The Fire Hydrant | $30 | Reckless Driving | $45 | Speeding - Unsafe | $25 | Speeding In School Zone | $35 | Striking Unattended Vehicle | $25 | Tampering With Enforcement Device | $55 | Undrestrained-Child 2 - Safety Belt Required - Ryrs. - 17 Yrs | $35 | Unrestrained-Child 1 - Safety Seat Required -Under 4 Yrs, 36" | $35 |
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