The purpose of this club is to promote and maintain interest and educate the importance of animal welfare and the environment; to develop a spirit of collegiality among persons interested in animal welfare here at El Paso Community College. In addition, to help students develop professionally and learn about many career options associated with environmental issues, wildlife, animal care and welfare. Help other people and animal, strays and domestic, in our community in ways consistent with our personal and professional growth and development.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "bwillia9","inline":"true"}}#~
The purpose of this club is to faster an appreciation and understanding of the ides and objectives of architectural education and to promote and forward the same within the territory of this organization. To emphasize and promote professional, social, and fraternal aspect of student activities on campus, fellowship, cooperation, and unity between members of this organization, members and other student organizations, and to enlarge organization members’ understanding of the current and future scope of architectural practice.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "emoren23","inline":"true"}}#~ArchitectureEPCC Architecture Society Facebook
The purpose of this club is to educate, promote, and highlight the correlation between science and music and other artistic fields. We will achieve our purpose by sponsoring scientific seminars and symposia, concerts, and other events that highlight the connection between scientific and artistic fields.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "malva279","inline":"true"}}#~Biological Sciences
The purpose of this club is to enthusiastically foster artistic excellence and Knowledge by expanding the minds and ideas of members for the purpose of community enrichment. An Art society should be dedicated to advancing the tradition of artistic excellence. It should seek to enrich the cultural life of the community, and it should enrich the experience and learning of members.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "frimbach","inline":"true"}}#~Arts
The purpose of this club is to stimulate individuals and campus interest in Biology, promote friendships and the exchange of idea among students. Moreover, our purpose is to educate EPCC community about biologically significant events and concerns.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "rjafari","inline":"true"}}#~Biological Sciences
The purpose of this club is to introduce and promote dance as an art form to the EPCC community. Its members shall render services to the school by participating and hosting various school and community events. To provide students/members an opportunity to express, create, and develop their artistic skills in the discipline of dance. To have the chance to perform and develop choreography. This will help hone student’s artistic expression, voice, and being able to speak to the community. To encourage participation and involvement in order to build a sense of unity and cooperation within our members.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "sjackiew","inline":"true"}}#~DanceCampus Dance FacebookCampus Dance Instagram
The purpose of this club is to teach students the importance of teamwork, commitment, positive reinforcement, respect and to bring a spirit to EPCC.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "aduarte8","inline":"true"}}#~EPCC Cheer
The purpose of this club is to provide students at EPCC the opportunity of serving their community. This implicates community service activities that will promote interest in science from young kids. Exposing kids to science at an early age could increase the number of people entering the STEM programs.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "kcastil8","inline":"true"}}#~Chemistry
The purpose of this club is to maintain a student body in the area of computer science at EPCC and facilitate the transition to a four-year university.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "cservin1","inline":"true"}}#~Computer ScienceComputer Science Club Facebook GroupComputer Science Club Instagram
The purpose of this club is to increase the students’ knowledge of the culinary arts by fundraising and attending national convention and recognized competitions for pastry and culinary fields. Help students develop professionally and learn about many career options associated with culinary arts.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "enew","inline":"true"}}#~Culinary Arts
The purpose of this club is to educate, promote, and maintain interest in meticulous proper self-oral hygiene within the community. Promote awareness of the Rio Grande Border Clinic for students to build and maintain a large client base throughout the community for x- rays, teeth cleaning, sealants, polishing and fluoride treatments. Help the dental hygiene students develop professionally and proficient within their careers. Develop a spirit of professional cutting edge awareness among persons interested in dental hygiene in EPCC and help everyone interested within the community learn and maintain proper oral hygiene in ways consistent with our professional teaching technology and development.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "kvillapa","inline":"true"}}#~Dental Hygiene
The purpose of this club is to acquire more experience in media production, to build a strong portfolio for club members’ future goals and careers. To promote media production within the college and prepare those interested by teaching them about production, schools, and equipment. To produce media and compete in competitions.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "mhead","inline":"true"}}#~Mass CommunicationEPCC Film Club Instagram
The purpose of this club is to provide a way for EPCC students to network with other students, faculty, as well as other professionals and professional organizations. Provide a forum for students to receive training and insight in regards to the music industry. To provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills and become active in their communities.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "mgurro11","inline":"true"}}#~Music
The purpose of this club is to educate, promote and encourage others to learn and/or enroll in the Health Information Management Program and to develop a spirit of collegiality among persons interested in the program. The club also helps students develop professionally and learn about many career options associated with health information.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "jgarris2","inline":"true"}}#~Health Information Management
The purpose of this club is to recognize high achievement among first and second year students in all academic disciplines. To encourage high standards throughout the collegiate experience and provide opportunities for personal growth and leadership development for members. To provide scholarships, such as the Merit Award, Scholar Abroad, Scholar at Sea, and Graduate to member(s) who successfully apply for these awards. To organize, and encourage learning opportunities through community services and foster an overall appreciation for the value of the higher education experience. To continue to uphold the standards determined by the Association of College Honor Society as part of the organization’s membership.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "eporti46","inline":"true"}}#~
The purpose of this club is to promote awareness of the Physical Therapy profession, participate/volunteer in events/fundraisers which relate to physical therapy. Fundraise for the opportunity of all participating active voting members to attend the Texas Physical Therapy Association’s Annual Conference.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "dtomacel","inline":"true"}}#~Physical Therapist AssistantPhysical Therapist Assistant Club Facebook
The purpose of this club is to promote excellence in broadcast radio and encourage students to excel in the field of mass communication.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "ahinoj34","inline":"true"}}#~Mass CommunicationPulse Radio Facebook
The purpose of this club is to gather the gay, straight, bisexual, transgendered, questioning and supporting community at EPCC in order to promote awareness of and education on issues of diversity, sexual orientation, and its variations, especially as it applies to human beings in a higher education setting and in the community. Provide students with information and support regarding issues of sexual orientation that as a community we may face in society today. Provide support to students and peers by having group discussions and problem solving strategies. Educate members of any nationwide news and events that affect our community and unite for fellowship and support with other students of diverse sexual orientation.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "crober27","inline":"true"}}#~EPCC QSA FacebookEPCC QSA Instagram
The purpose of this club is to cultivate, promote and maintain interest in respiratory technology and develop a spirit of collegiality among persons interested in respiratory care here at EPCC. Help students develop professionally and learn about many career options associated with respiratory care. Help other people in our community in ways consistent with our personal and professional growth and development.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "ftorres4","inline":"true"}}#~Respiratory Care Technology
The purpose of this club is to provide a way for EPCC students to network with other students, faculty, as well as other professionals and professional organizations. Provide a forum for students to receive training and practice in regards to communication skills that are vital to professional marketability. Provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills and become active leaders in their community.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "lerickso, wcorneli","inline":"true"}}#~Speech Communication
The purpose of this club is to encourage cooperation and communication between the D/deaf and H/hard of hearing students, faculty, staff, and administration within the framework of the college. To develop and promote Sign Language and interpreting skills for EPCC students and our diverse trilingual community.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "jdahlgre","inline":"true"}}#~Sign Language/Interpreter Preparation
The purpose of this club is to promote and maintain interest in the engineering, science, math, and technology fields, to promote the importance of higher education in our community. To develop spirit of collegiality among persons interested in engineering, science, math and technology here at EPCC and help students develop professionally and learn many career options associated with engineering, science, math, and technology. To help people in our community in a manner that is consistent with our professional growth and development. Develop networking relationships that will serve our members in their future careers.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "jibarr23","inline":"true"}}#~

The purpose of this club is to aid in the holistic development of the student nurse, enhance the health care of diverse populations, contribute to nursing education, and promote the nursing profession.

All nursing students are members of SNA and are eligible to be elected officers of the club.

~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "dperry3","inline":"true"}}#~Nursing
The purpose of this club is to raise awareness of the many difficult issues facing our pre-teens in our community. Conducting Survival Fairs through our local middle schools for children and their parents. To develop the spirit of “Teen Survivors” that celebrates our accomplishments as college students and what we can give back to the community and to apply our knowledge gained through coursework in a “real-life” setting.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "cvarga71","inline":"true"}}#~Psychology
The purpose of this club is to allow students struggling with mental health issues (or those who know someone struggling with a mental health issue) a forum to address their personal concerns, learn coping strategies from their peers and advisors, and be appraised of community resources by hosting NAMI-certifies Connection Recovery Support Groups. Also, increase stigma against mental illness through hosting campus events to raise awareness.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "cmelia","inline":"true"}}#~Psychology
The purpose of this club is to promote excellence in architectural education, training and practice; to foster an appreciation of architecture and related disciplines; to enrich communities in a spirit of collaboration; and to organize students and combine their efforts to advance the art and science of architecture.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "amirele6","inline":"true"}}#~Architecture
The purpose of this club is to spread the joy of mathematics throughout EPCC campuses by promoting a social and intellectual environment to all students with an interest in mathematics; exposing students to interesting topics in mathematics; inviting guests to speak to club members; and educating members about possible career options involving mathematics.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "sdanesht","inline":"true"}}#~Mathematics
We would like to share and teach mindfulness techniques to each other as members, the EPCC community which includes students, faculty and staff, and the El Paso community at large, as well as to explore the applications of mindfulness in various fields such as education, the health/medical field, the legal field, etc. Our intention is to positively impact our own lives and the lives of those in our community through the practice of mindfulness.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "kdiaz60","inline":"true"}}#~EPCC Mindfulness Club
The purpose of this club is to implement school pride, community engagement, community growth and well-being, incorporating leadership skills such as, peer guidance, communication, positivity and responsibility.
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "slope189","inline":"true"}}#~

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) recognizes the academic achievement of college students and provides opportunities for its members to grow as scholars and leaders. Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa has a presence on almost 1,300 community college campuses in 11 nations. The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) recognized Phi Theta Kappa as the official honor society for two-year colleges in 1929. More than 3.8 million students have been inducted since 1918, with approximately 250,000 active members in the nation’s community colleges, making Phi Theta Kappa a true catalyst among members and colleges.

To join, you must receive an invitation (email or mail) from the Phi Theta Kappa chapter at your college and have completed at least 12 hours of coursework toward an associate or bachelor’s degree or at least 6 hours of coursework toward a 1-year certificate and have a cumulative 3.5 grade point average.

Our local EPCC chapter Omega Gamma, hosts and attends several events and conferences throughout the year and provides members with opportunities to grow as future leaders and scholars.

Main Site :

Slack: Join
~#{"feature": "EmployeeContactBlock", "options": {"username" : "aperez28","inline":"true"}}#~
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