Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are an “umbrella term” that includes the study of essential student learning in a variety of contexts. The office of Student Learning Outcomes is engaged with supporting both Credit and Continuing Education disciplines as they seek to improve student learning through the analysis of data. We offer regular professional development and support as faculty engage in their assessment processes. Specific lists of outcomes and data are available within the EPCC intranet, but are not available on the public facing website.

More details on our team and areas of support are below:

Learning Outcome Assessments

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

CLOs are utilized by disciplines who instruct courses, or course sequences, but do not have program maps. These include both credit and developmental courses. CLOs are identified in the official course syllabus (Syllabus Part II) and describe the essential learning within the course, or course sequence.

CLO Point of Contact Directory

Quality Indicators (QIs)

QIs are utilized by Continuing Education Programs, applying to multiple contexts. These include (but not limited to) certificates that have been recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Quality Indicators identify the essential Knowledge, Skills, and/or Abilities that students will develop within the course/program of study and are usually identified as required outcomes by external agencies (State agencies, Certification agencies, Federal agencies, etc.).

QI Point of Contact Directory

General Education Outcomes (GEOs)

GEOs are determined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and identified by EPCC as learning outcomes students should obtain as a result of their general education/core curriculum experiences. These outcomes describe the foundational and transferrable learning a student acquires as they complete their General Education/Core Curriculum course work.

GEO Point of Contact Directory

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLOs are utilized by credit programs, adopted by program faculty, and describe the learning students should obtain as a result of their educational experiences within their completed program of study. Program learning outcomes are programmatic, including learning that is developed over multiple courses as the student completes a designated program map.

PLO Point of Contact Directory

Compass Award

The Assessment Compass is a recognition of outstanding efforts by a Discipline to enhance student learning through intentional assessment design. Just as a compass empowers the user to navigate, so does assessment work allow us to understand how to guide our Programs and Disciplines in the direction of improving student learning. Each year the faculty select outstanding assessment work for recognition. In 2023 this recognition was based on the faculty work that evidenced a commitment to enhancing student access, and demonstrating creativity/risk in seeking improvement in student learning. The 2023 Compass Award Honorees are:

Texas Peace Office (Quality Indicator) Continuing Education Program

For their work aligning the curriculum with state standards and local needs. This has led to innovations in the curriculum that enhances student marketable skills by providing them with training that exceeds the requirements set forth by the certification agency. Also, their efforts to enhance partnerships with local community organizations and credit programs provides students with Pathway options to continue their education and pursue lifelong learning.

Educational Psychology (Course Learning Outcome) Credit Discipline

For their work pursuing student success on multiple fronts. Educational Psychology is the designated Student Success Course and works collaboratively with multiple departments and initiatives to engage student learning that aligns with the Quality Enhancement Plan, supports Texas Pathways, and helps students engage with their early steps into college. Through balancing individualized instruction (and opportunities for low stakes practice) with a focus on personal responsibility, Educational Psychology seeks improvement in the content of their course, improvement in transferable learning, and enhanced student self-awareness.

Culinary Arts (Program Learning Outcome) Credit Program (tied)

For their work in pursuing cross discipline collaborations and simulation experiences. Through their summer institute Culinary Arts joins Pastry, Restaurant Management, Travel and Tourism, and Hospitality Operations as their students organize and host events for local ISD students. Each program takes a unique role, providing their students with real-world learning experiences. They also use their data to tailor ongoing program improvements through Supplementary Instruction packets. This allows students who need assistance to immediately receive online accessible, targeted learning support.

Cyber Security - Information Technology Systems (Program Learning Outcome) Credit Program (tied)

For their work in pursuing data informed student access interventions, aligning outcomes with national accreditation standards, and remapping their curriculum to assure that contentis scaffolded and developed in an engaging manner. Also, the ITS discipline hosts the "Hack-a-thon" event; allowing students to gain international experiences in information security. This engaging event embraces "gamification-based learning" and a chance for students throughout the Borderland to connect with the ITS discipline and the CyberSecurity program.


2014-2020_Core_Curriculum_Assessment_Summary_Report.pdf2014-2020 Core Curriculum Assessment Summary Report
Institutional Assessment Plan CLO 2024-2029.pdfInstitutional Assessment Plan CLO 2024-2029
Institutional Assessment Plan GEO 2021-2029.pdfInstitutional Assessment Plan GEO 2021-2029
Institutional Assessment Plan PLO 2021-2029.pdfInstitutional Assessment Plan PLO 2021-2029
Institutional Assessment Plan QI 2024-2029.pdfInstitutional Assessment Plan QI 2024-2029